Data and AI in the Child Labour Index

Our use of technological innovation in the Index has pushed HACE into global leaders on how to address data challenges in the ‘S’ of ESG, influencing the future of how we can ethically use data and technology to address supply chain visibility challenges.

The Index uses billions of public data points and proprietary HACE data sets built with our social science expertise. We use knowledge graph technology to create millions of insights on companies.

Knowledge graph technology enables our methodology to be fully transparent, meaning we can trace each score and each piece of data back to the original source that was associated with that company. Further, using AI enables us to remove human bias in scoring, while still integrating HACE expertise in to the algorithms.

We use Composite AI, meaning a blend of different AI techniques and capabilities. We use Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing and Large Language Models (Generative AI) to create our three performance scores.

We generally use AI to enable us to create objective, rules-based algorithms built with child labour expertise at their core. Using AI means we can safely and accurately scale the Index at speed, as well as updating scores every 24 hours when the financial markets close, enabling real-time performance data.

The Child Labour Index is built in proud parnership with Equal Experts.

Equal Experts engage 3,000 consultants across 5 continents to help create leading digital products and services.

“We decide with data, design for users, deliver at pace and scale sustainably.”

HACE is working to shape the future of ethical AI, alongside our partnerships